Donating profits to charity

In Uncategorized by Eboni Bright February 3, 2021

Over the course of Spring history, creators have donated over $4,000,000 to fundraisers, relief efforts, charities, and movements worldwide. Our community possesses a unique talent in that they can turn good ideas into powerful personal brands—and many have chosen to give back to causes close to their hearts.


Any listings that donate a portion of their profits will feature a verified contribution badge. This badge reassures fans their purchase will benefit the indicated charity. Conversion rates for verified listings are 45% higher than non-verified fundraising listings.

How to donate profits from sales

If you would like to add a charity donation to your listing, please contact with the following information once you’ve created the listing:

  • Listing URL
  • Name of the charitable organization
  • Official website of charitable organization
  • Percentage of profit to donate – you can donate anywhere from 10% to 100% of your profits to the charity of your choice

Please note, only verified and certified non-profit organizations are eligible to be the recipient of the “Verified Charity Contribution” badge. In the US, qualified 501c3 charity groups or non-profit organization can be considered for the badge.

Tip: When promoting your listing, be sure to let fans know that a portion of your profits will directly support the cause of your choice.

Things to note

  • Each listing’s estimated profits will reflect the amount you’ll take home, minus the amount that will be sent directly to charity.
  • You will have both the option to view listing-specific donation amounts, as well as an all-time donation amount. This number will also include any funds raised from verified donation listings you’ve run in the past!
  • The verified donation badge is available for US-based charities only. US-based charities will receive funds in the form of a check processed through
  • Once your listing’s print cycle ends, you will be able to cash out your profit as usual. Your donation will be sent automatically to the charity you’ve chosen.

Tax implications

Please note that we simply facilitate the processing of the donated profits to the intended charitable organizations.  As such, Spring is required by the United States Internal Revenue Service to report donated profits on the creators’ annual Form 1099.

For more information about filing taxes in the US, please see “Filing Taxes (US)”.