Using the Instagram shopping Integration

In Uncategorized by Eboni Bright July 2, 2021

Spring’s Integration with Instagram Shopping brings creators the ability to enable fans to shop photos and videos easily within the Instagram app. Find out more about the features available and how to use them below. 

There are multiple ways to start selling your Spring products using the Instagram Integration. If you are using Spring already, you can link an existing catalog of your products. If you are not yet signed up with Spring, you can create designs and get started. 

Create your Instagram shop 

If you’ve got access to the Integration and have products already on your Spring store, follow the instructions below. 

  1. Tap “Add Shop” at the top of your Instagram profile, follow the prompt screen, then select “Get Started”
  2. You’ll then get a list of your existing catalogs. Choose Spring, then tap “Next”. 
  3. Log in with Spring and follow the next screen. Connect your Spring account with Instagram
  4. At the confirmation page, tap “Create Shop”, then “Add Products to Shop”
  5. Your Spring products will appear. Choose products you’d like featured, and then “Preview Your Shop”

Product detail pages 

Within the Instagram app, fans can see a preview of your products with all the relevant information—this includes pricing, descriptions and an image. You can adjust the information shown on your product detail page by visiting your Spring Dashboard, then going to the Listings section. Locate the product you wish to edit and then you can alter the design, price, or description. 

Tagging products in-feed

Product tags and product mentions allow you to highlight your designs from your catalog within your posts on your Instagram feed. Tapping on a tag takes fans straight to the product detail page for purchase. Follow the instructions below to tag a product in your feed: 

Product tag. When creating a post, tap “Tag Products” to open the tagging menu. Tap “Tag Products” again. With “Tag Products” highlighted, tap the photo (ideally where your product is featured). ensure your Spring product catalog is selected, and then pick the product(s) you’d like to tag.

Product mention. When creating the caption for your feed post, use the @ symbol to open the tagging menu. Navigate to “Products”. Choose your product from the list. The tagged product will appear highlighted in the caption. When you’re finished, tap “OK” and continue through to publishing the post. 

Tag products in Instagram Stories

Product Stickers and Swipe Ups allow you to highlight products from their catalog in Stories. Follow instructions below to add Stickers and Swipe up actions. 

Swipe Up. Open Instagram Stories. Tap the link icon at the top to open your Story Links Menu. Select “Product.” Select your Spring product catalog, then choose your product. Review the Swipe Up link before posting.

Product Sticker. Tap the sticker tray icon at the top of Instagram Stories. Tap product sticker, and then choose your product. You’re able to change the color and edit the product name of your sticker by tapping it. Tap, hold and pinch the sticker to change the size and drag to choose it’s desired location on your story.

Tag products within video content using Reels and IGTV

With product tags in Reels, you can feature specific items, demonstrate how a product is used, or flex your creativity to inspire people to engage with you. After you’ve recorded your Reel, tap on “Tag Products”. Then choose the products you featured in your content. Post to your feed and share an Instagram Story to promote your new Reel.

With Product Tags in IGTV, tell a story around your favorite products with a longer, more editorial format. Once you’ve uploaded your video to IGTV, tap “Tag Products”. Then, choose the products featured in your content, as well as similar products followers may be interested in. Post to your feed and share on Instagram Stories. 

Tag and pin products live

Using Instagram Live, you can add product tags as well as pinned product tags. This demonstrates your product in real-time. To tag a product in Live, you’ll need to set it up beforehand. First find the shopping bag icon on the left hand side of the screen. Tag individual products by tapping “Add” next to your chosen products. Tap “Live Button” to begin your Live video. 

You’re able to pin products during your Live. Pin one product at a time by tapping the shopping bag icon in the lower right of your screen. Confirm the product by tapping “Pin”. To unpin, tap the shopping bag and select “Unpin”.