Pixel FAQ’s

In Creator Resources, Dashboard Tools, Tools by Eboni Bright January 21, 2022

What is a pixel and why do I need it? 

Pixels can be used by creators who want more insight on their listing page performance. It’s a snippet of code that is installed on a website that gives you valuable information about people visiting your content. For example, where they’re located, demographic info, the types of devices they use, etc.

If you’re using tracking pixels for advertising, this data can help you optimize your ads to target people most likely to purchase your products; pixels can provide you with insight on  potential customers interacting with your content. For example, if they view a page, add a product to their cart, make a purchase, etc. Creators can add Pinterest, Google, Facebook, and Twitter pixels to their Spring account. 

How does a pixel work? 

When someone loads your website the pixel code is run in the background. Each time someone interacts with elements on your website (clicks, adds to cart, purchases, etc) this code sends information about this behavior and stores the information, which can be used to optimize advertisement performance. 

Where do I add pixels to my Spring account?  

Adding pixels to your Spring account is easy; simply head to ‘Tools and Services’, then Tracking pixels, and choose the platform you’d like to add the pixel from.

How do I find my pixels?

Your pixel will be found in the advertising or business manager within your platform. To find the correct pixel links to connect your Pinterest, Twitter, or Google pixels, you can find instructions linked within each section on the tracking pixel section of your Spring dashboard.

Can I add different pixels per domain if I have multiple stores? 

You can only connect one tracking pixel per platform, per Spring account (ex. one Facebook/Meta pixel, one Google Analytics pixel, ect). Make sure your purchase events for your pixel are set up to accept the events that you need for each domain. (This means that you will have 1 purchase event for each domain, and so if you have 5 domains, you will need to set up and verify 5 different purchase events with your pixel)  You can verify up to 8 events total, which can all be on one domain or on multiple domains.

How do I track a pixel, and why are analytics different then my Spring analytics? 

You can track the analytics of a pixel within the platform it is hosted (i.e. Facebook, Pinterest, Google). Your analytics might be different because Spring’s analytics track both custom domains and your creator-spring.com domain. Also, you may have opted out Pixel tracking via IOS or their browser settings. 

Meta-tags: Why don’t Spring offer them?

A Meta Tag is one of three ways to verify your domain with an advertising platform like Facebook. Adding a Meta Tag requires editing the HTML of a website. This is not an easy task on a large scale. Fortunately, you can edit the DNS settings of a domain. To verify a domain purchased from Spring, follow these steps. To verify an existing connected domain, please consult your domain provider.

Can I have more than one pixel if I have more than one store in my Spring account?

You can only have one pixel per platform, per Spring account.

What does the Pinterest ID Tag mean? Is it the ‘conversion pixel code’? 

Yes, the Pinterest Tag allows you to track your Pinterest advertising performance. The Tag ID is the unique name that each Pinterest tag is associated with. The pixel code is the HTML code that is added to the website in order for the pixel tracking to work.

Can I use a google pixel if I’m not advertising? 

Yes—you can use google analytics without running ads to get more insight on your store’s performance e.g. site visitors, clicks, etc. Follow the instructions here to find your Google Analytics Tracking ID. Once you have it, enter it into the Google Analytics Tracking Snippet box found in the Google section in ‘Tools and Services’ on your Spring account. 

What’s the difference between Google shopping vs Google Ads? 

Google shopping is part of Google Ads. Google shopping relies on a product feed that auto populates your shopping ads. Shopping ads can show up in search results next to regular search results, but there is also a separate google shopping search tab. 

Can Spring creators set up a Google shop? 

Spring can create Google shopping ads. Click ‘Download product feed’ in the Listings section of your Spring Dashboard. 

Meta (Facebook) pixels

How do I connect a Meta pixel?

Please note, to connect a Meta pixel, you need to own a custom domain due to Apple’s iOS14 update. You’ll also need to verify this domain with Facebook. Click here to learn more about the steps to set up your Meta pixel with Spring.

Why isn’t my Meta pixel firing? 

The easiest way to check if your pixel is firing is to download the Meta Pixel Helper. Common reasons why your pixel might not fire: 

  • Continue checking your custom domain. Creator pixel’s do not work on the creator-spring.com domains 
  • Ensure that you have copied your pixel code correctly and into the correct tracking pixel box. Do not mix up Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google Pixels 
  • Make sure you have verified your custom domain with Facebook and set up your Pixel conversion events

How do I track a pixel, and why are analytics different then my Spring analytics? 

You can track the analytics of a Pixel in the advertising manager for each platform. Your analytics might be different because Spring’s analytics track both custom domains and your creator-spring.com domain. Also, you may have opted out Pixel tracking via IOS or their browser settings. 

Adding your Meta (Facebook) Pixel to your Spring account

When you start running several ads to one Spring campaign (e.g. with different target audiences) you will want to know which ad brings you the most sales, and which audience produces the most conversions. 

You can add your Meta pixel to your account under your account “Settings”. Once the pixel is activated, you’ll be able to track the flow of ad viewers and see how effective your ads are (e.g. how many sales you get from them, how many page visitors, how many checkout page visitors).

How do I launch Facebook ads and monitor results?

Once you’ve got your ad image and audience set, it’s time to launch the ad campaign. At this stage you should decide on your ad budget and how many days you want the ad campaign to run. Pay close attention to metrics such as conversions, costs, reach relevancy score, click through rate (CTR), etc.