TikTok promo guide

In Creator Resources, Platform Integrations by Eboni Bright December 9, 2020

TikTok is one of the fastest-growing, revolutionary social media platforms hosting a new wave of successful, ambitious creators. The DIY style content shared on this platform gives creators the freedom to experiment with honest and fun content. TikTok’s engagement driven algorithm makes it the ideal platform for creators to widen their community and make their products discoverable to millions.

Add store link to your bio

Your bio is featured at the top of your TikTok profile. Add your store URL within this space, and add wording such as ‘shop my products below’. Use a bitly link to track the number of clicks your bio link generates like @thedottist [30.7K followers] has below. 

Spring tip: If you’re running a promotion or have mentioned a new product launch in your content, link directly to the listing in your bio, rather than your store URL. It removes one step for the fan, and has been shown to almost double conversion rates, meaning more completed sales (easy win).

Share content using your products

Get fans’ attention by creating video content featuring your products.   Animator @tootymcnooty [3.7M followers], for example, released a dedicated video for the drop of her new product collection. She used her unique animated style within the video,wore samples of her products, and included a link to her store within the video caption.

TikTok couple @candyken [8.1M followers] and @jostasy [3.4M followers] often feature their products in TikTok videos. In this example, they are wearing their ‘ok boomer’ designs in conjunction with the release of their new song.

Announce a sale

Running a sale can boost conversions by up to 60% and TikTok is a great place to share promo codes with fans. Telling your community the discount has limited availability and updating your bio with the promo code can be very effective for increasing sales. @purpleedragonn [39K followers] announced a promotion she ran, using the in-app text editing tools to call out the promo code.

Use the livestream feature

Livestreaming is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways to promote products. The un-edited, real-time aspect of TikTok live streams increases the amount of fans that tune into your content—creating new ways to promote your products while engaging followers. The Livestream feature on TikTok is only available to for users over the age of 16 with at least 1,000 followers. 

Crowd-source designs

Consider involving fans in your design process. Try live streaming or asking for input in your TikTok video content. @edenharvz [187K followers] did this, asking which designs her fans liked best. Creating a contest for fans to submit design ideas also works really well and makes your community more likely to purchase because they’re involved with the design process. You can pick the winners live on your stream to drum up even more hype.