Twitter promo guide

In Creator Resources, Platform Integrations by Eboni Bright December 9, 2020

Twitter has an average of over 330 million monthly active users. Over a third of Twitter fans buy from a brand they follow on Twitter—making it a great social platform to share your product releases. 

Promoting products on Twitter

  • Always include a link to your listing or store in your tweets
  • Keep in mind Twitter prime-time is usually between 9am and 1pm.
  • Tag @spring4creators in your tweets—we may retweet you and help expand your reach.
  • Include relevant hashtags in your tweets (for example, fundraisers could include hashtags #CharityTuesday, #boost4charity, etc.) to gain more impressions.
  • Retweet your fans’ tweets mentioning your products to reward them for their loyalty and to engage with your community
  • Include images whenever possible—not only does it make your tweets more eye-catching, but featuring images are 35% more likely to be retweeted.

Make your store easily discoverable

You can add your Spring store URL as the website link for your Twitter account. This will make your products easily accessible for your community. Also add a CTA to your Twitter bio to draw attention to your store, for example, ‘Check out my store in the link below!’

Spring tip: If you’re running a promotion or have mentioned a new product launch in your content, provide a link directly to your listing, rather than store URL. It removes one step for the fan, and has been shown to almost double conversion rates, meaning more completed sales (easy win).

It’s useful to track the clicks your link is generating by using a bitly. In the example below, @ColeandMarmalade [1.28M subscribers] feature their store at the top of their profile. Creator @quietcoolkid [184K subscribers] is a blogger, so she connects with fans by sharing her outfits–so tweeting photos of herself wearing a sample is a great tactic. 

Within the few days before you share new products with your community you should start posting teasers and hints around the upcoming drop, creating hype. Creators use Twitter to create anticipation during the pre-launch phase of his new product collection. By posting teaser images and videos on social media every day until the release date, he counts down with his fans. 

Other content for your tweets might include a sale announcement to up engagement. Share a promo code in your tweet or overlay it on your image. @NerdECrafter [1M subscribers] uses a gif showing off their design and as well as the different products available.

Pin tweets

After posting a tweet, you are able to ‘pin’ it to the top of your profile. This means the chosen tweet will remain at the top of your profile until you update it or remove the pin. Pinning it means it will be the first thing your fans see after landing on your Twitter. Get creative with this feature and include photos, or even gifs to make it as eye catching as possible.

@SICKOFWOLVES [164.9K followers] uses pinned tweets in this way by including both images of his products, as well as a link to his store.

Re-share your fans’ tweets

Once fans start receiving their orders, retweet their posts to spread your reach even further and show appreciation to your community for supporting you. This technique is called social proof—being the approval of a product from a peer group. Fans sharing photos of themselves and your products generates excitement and interest, as well as affirming the value and quality of your products. Use and share a personalized hashtag, so you can easily keep track of any mentions.

@jessicaoutofthecloset [629K subscribers] uses Twitter to connect with her community, and even goes a step further by creating a hashtag specifically for her products ‘#lovelypeoplemerch’. Jessica encourages her fans to share selfies of them wearing her products.