4 steps to make your storefront unforgettable

Happy 2025! Ready to be a one-percenter? You will be if you follow our tips on how to do just 1% a day to reach your goals.
Here we go. Tip 1: It all starts with your storefront.
We told you we weren’t gonna let you get stuck and overwhelmed by your goals and we meant it. Remember — 1% a day. That’s all it takes.
When it comes to your storefront, it’s all about the visuals. Before we get into the 4 steps it takes to make your storefront unforgettable, here are a few reasons why the visual of your storefront matters so much:
- First impression. Making judgments about what we see is just how our minds operate as human beings. Your storefront is the first thing we see. We immediately form our opinion about the product quality and the brand and for better or worse, it’s there forever.
- Brand Identity. If your brand isn’t crystal clear to you, it won’t be to your fans.
- Product Showcasing. Think of it like window shopping.
- Attractiveness. Not what you think. We’ll explain.
If you’re confused on any of these points, no worries. We get into more detail below. So without further ado…
Here are 4 ways to make your storefront unforgettable.
Yes, of course the first impression is important because it influences the perception of product quality and the brand itself, but if you follow all 4 of the tips below, you will make an amazing first impression.
- Brand Identity
You hear this term being preached all the time. Brand identity. Branding. Brand. Ok, but what exactly is it?
Here’s a simple way to look at it. You have values, right? And you have a personality, right?
Not only do you want to incorporate both of those elements into your brand and designs, you want to create that cohesive experience across all your platforms. That is your brand. And it starts on your storefront:)
Here’s a great example from a Spring creator:
It’s pretty darn clear what this person’s brand is.
- Product Showcasing
Believe it or not, potential customers are not looking at your storefront for a reason to not buy your products. They are looking for a reason to buy your products. They want to.
Think about it. They are literally asking for you to give them any (reasonable) reason to buy.
Start by providing detailed descriptions of every product. Experience and research has shown us that the description helps them decide it’s a ‘yes.’
Highlight key features on your products. Be as clear as possible.
Showcase different variations.
Also, be sure to organize your products so the best-sellers are first, followed by the most recent.
When it comes to showcasing your products, remember—TMI doesn’t apply here (as long as you’re just talking about the product). Make the buying decision easy.
- Attractiveness
We don’t mean good looking or handsome—although that could be the case—but rather… Does your storefront pull the viewer in or make them move on?
- Are your images high quality?
- Is the font readable?
- Is there a great use of color?
- Is the store attractive enough to encourage a customer to continue browsing?
These are key questions to not only ask yourself about your own storefront, but ask yourself those questions when you look at other storefronts as well; not just the ones you like but the ones you decided to move on from. What was it about the storefront that you found boring or uninteresting? What compels you? Odds are your answers are similar to other customers. Now you know what to do with yours 🙂
Here’s a Spring creator that really knows their aesthetic:
This image just makes you want to look at it, right? At least we think so.
- Make it a “Banner” Year
The best way to make a first impression is to address the first thing the person is going to see… your banner! At the very least, ensure that it is in line with your brand promise. Then from there, the overall aesthetic and image quality is the icing on the cake.
Here’s a fun banner from a high-performing Spring creator:
This banner makes you want to know more, doesn’t it?

Continue to Make 2025 the best year yet
Remember, this new year isn’t just about being amazing, it’s about becoming amazing.
We can’t stress enough how manifestation alone won’t help you move forward.
You still have to think practically about how to get there — and we will continue to be there to help.
Enjoy creating your new storefront. Head over to the Resource Hub whenever you feel the need. Happy New Year, and Happy Merch Sales!