Get 1% better every day and see massive results by December 2025

Goals are awesome — we’re the first ones to admit it. But let’s talk about the tough part: actually chasing them. When you know exactly where you want to be, but the path there seems endless, it’s easy to feel stuck.
Here’s the problem with goals: they’ve got us all focused on the end result, not the actual work it takes to get there. The truth is that growth doesn’t happen in bursts. Instead, it happens in the tiny actions we take every single day.
As James Clear writes in Atomic Habits, “If you get one percent better each day for one year, you’ll end up thirty-seven times better by the time you’re done.” This powerful concept is transforming how we think about growth at Amaze — and we want to bring you along for the ride.
Don’t be amazing. Become amazing.
We’re just like you: we’ve got big goals we’re chasing. But in 2025, we’re switching things up. Instead of obsessing over being an amazing company by the end of the year, we’re focusing on becoming an amazing company every single week. That means looking for the tiny incremental changes we can make on the daily that lead to massive results by the end of the year.
We got to thinking though… and realized this concept was so powerful, we wanted to bring our creators along for the journey, too. After all, our goal isn’t just to help you create products — it’s to help you sell them and turn your ideas into income.
We’re changing everything about our business to make it all happen. Here’s what it means for you, and how we’re showing up differently:
You can expect lots of new content: We’re changing our content to focus on helping you find quick 1% improvements that help you build and sell products. You can expect to get weekly tips, videos, and other content that helps you turn your passion into profit. Plus, we’re opening a Discord community that’ll help you connect with other creators.
You’ll build skills that help you earn sales: The hardest part of creating a product-based business is building momentum. Every week you’ll get a mini-challenge that takes just a few minutes to complete, but which sets your store up for huge success.
We’re growing with you: Getting 1% better isn’t just for you — it’s also our internal guide for the year. We’ve heard your feedback, and 2025 is the year we’re taking action. 💪
The last point is particularly important. We’re committed to growing and changing and creating a better experience for you!
Make 2025 the best year yet
Look, we’re big fans of manifesting your dreams, but manifestation alone won’t help you move forward. You still have to think practically about how to get there — and that’s where we’re here to help. We’re changing everything about our business to support you in making those little, daily changes that turn into massive results. Because when you stack up enough 1% improvements, something magical happens.
If you want to close your laptop every week feeling accomplished, grow your side hustle into a real income, or just make the best content you can, this year’s the year to get it done. Head on over to our Resource Hub to check out the first challenges.